It's time in this land once again,
To spend Christmas with loved ones and kin,
So all of us gather in the Stanley Doubt line
To Strengthen our ties and also to dine.
We're proud of each individual,
And thankful for the gifts that make each one special.
Now Grandpa we know, tries to be, a stern grandfatherly figure,
But he's really an old softy, who doesn't quite fit that picture.
That of a grouchy old man or cranky old guy,
'Cause when you look close, you can catch a twinkle
Or even a proud tear in his eye.
But the greatest gift that Grandpa possesses,
Is the gift of "loyalty" and-
He has taught it to each of us
Now Grandma- She's a whole different picture,
And her grandchildren know they can wrap her around thier fingers,
Her family she serves with a great deal of pride,
But her service to others, she doesn't hide.
Her greatest gift, and I've been told,
Is her undying "friendship", and it's worth more than gold.
Now Larry is next in this family tree
And his gifts are many ( I should know), I think you'll agree,
He loves to sing and make people smile,
And forget all their troubles and cares for awhile.
His wife, June, I would say, is his greatest gift
But that would be boastful and really a myth.
Larry's real gift is not one of sympathy
But one of understanding and true empathy.
His wife, June, is kind of quiet and funny,
But let me remind you she isn't a dummy.
Her greatest gift, now be still and listen,
Is the gift of giving, that's why she loves Christmas.
Tim and Kim belong to this branch of the tree
And they're both rather special, as special can be.
Tim's greatest talent, or so I've been told
Is keeping the girls happy, no matter how old,
With flowers - delivered by his good old Pop,
He plays piano but a Liberace, he is not.
Kim is the one, I think you'll agree
Has all the looks in this family
Her humility needs work and her patience is short
But still, I guess, she's a really good sport.
Around the school, "Legs" is her nickname,
She's headed for Hollywood, fortune and fame.
Now, Linda and George are next, it's plain
And Linda's gift I wish I could claim.
She makes a stranger feel so at ease
And with the love of her family, she is always so pleased.
Now at first you may think George is quiet and mellow
But don't let him fool you, he's a really great fellow.
George's sense of humor is a remarkable gift,
And with this talent he gives others a lift.
Now Mark is the one who we all find fun
A comedian he is and he's George and Linda's son.
Our little angel, Becky is next and she
Sometimes tells all of the family secrets.
Even though she's small, as little as a minute,
She talks of her Daddy's underwear and the "holes that are in it".
Her greatest gift is really a must
You see, she loves to just entertain us.
Now Bill and Rita are next, you see,
With Mike add Scottie, they make a beautiful family.
Rita has more patience than any person I've found,
That's really what keeps their world going around.
Bill's gift of dependability is so hard to find,
There aren't very many who are of his kind.
Mike is the ball player of this clan
And to be a big star is in his plan.
Photography is really Scottie's line,
Some day you'll see his pictures (of Kim) in the magazine "Time".
We have a great friend her name is Edith,
She is an aunt and Mom and grandma to others.
She's been loving and doting from the first to the last,
And her gift is love and we need not ask.
So we all gather on this Christmas day
To thank our Saviour for gifts He sent our way.
For the freedom we have - not everyone has
For instance, 52 hostages who are held in Iran.
We're thankful, Dear Father, for each small thing
We close this poem in Your loving Son's name, Jesus.
By Larry and June Doubt
Timmy and Kimberly Doubt
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