Christmas is always a time to give;
Once again in the Matthews clan.
A time for thanks for the privilege to live;
From the smallest Child to the Oldest man.

It's round-up time for Mother and me;
Time to recount, call names and brands.
No losses in death, how grateful are we;
No gifts this year for the family tree.

But it's time to expand our family corral;
Randy took Barbara and Donna took Gil.
Sandra took Robert and I do tell;
Before there are more we'll rest a spell.

Marriage is honorable in all for our clan;
For marriage or birth are both in God's plan.
The angels sang at the birth of His Son;
"Peace on earth and good will toward Man."

This Christmas brings us the hope of peace;
One hope that the world cannot give.
Christ gives us the peace that anchors the soul;
And strengthens the will to live.

By A.Z. Matthews, December 24, 1972

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